September is Workforce Development Month in SC
September 7th, 2022
COLUMBIA - The state of South Carolina and the S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) will celebrate Workforce Development Month in September.
Gov. Henry McMaster, in partnership with DEW, will deliver his proclamation declaring September as Workforce Development Month in the state Wednesday, Sept. 7, at a press conference at the Michelin plant in Lexington.
During the month, DEW and SC Works partners will promote numerous events for jobseekers and employers through job fairs, open house events, workshops, conferences and more.
“South Carolina’s economy is one of the strongest in the nation because of the hardworking people who make up our workforce,” McMaster said. “We have consistently invested in smart, targeted solutions to make sure South Carolinians are trained and ready to do the jobs that are available in our great state, but there’s always more work to be done.
“That’s why Workforce Development Month is so important — it gives us the opportunity to show our people the opportunities available to them and to focus on new, innovative ideas to build on our prosperity.”
There are more than 200 job fairs and workshops, dozens of visits by the Career Coach and the Be Pro Be Proud mobile workshop, discussion forums and roundtables, and weekly labor market information webinars.
These events are virtual and in-person, some are statewide, while others are developed specifically for local areas. There are also events personalized for businesses, veterans, rural communities, jobseekers with barriers, and much more.
“South Carolina’s workforce is the backbone of the state’s economy.
“This month will highlight the abundant opportunities provided by our agency and partner agencies, to enhance the state and local job markets, increase participation in the labor force and provide jobs that lead to economic independence for our workers in the state,” said S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce Executive Director Dan Ellzey.
Workforce Development Month activities
DEW has launched two Workforce Development Month pages for jobseekers to keep track of all events: www.dew.sc.gov/wdm and www.scworks.org/wdm.
An interactive state map is available for jobseekers to find job fairs and workshops near them by simply clicking on their local area on the map to be led to its event calendar.
These web pages will be updated daily throughout September and will feature information on upcoming press conferences, webinars and featured employers of the week.
A weekly Labor Market Information (LMI) webinar series known as LMI Insights will be hosted by Dr. Bryan Grady and the DEW labor market information team at 2 p.m. every Wednesday in September.
These webinars are available to the public and go over a variety of employment, unemployment and economic data.
DEW will also release a notice of funding opportunities during September with award amounts of up to $25,000 for faith-based and community organizations to apply to set up Connection Points at their locations, which connect the public with free access to computers and DEW resources for unemployment insurance claimants and general jobseekers.
Follow the agency’s social media platforms for daily Workforce Development Month facts, quotes, events and updates:
• Facebook: www.facebook.com/scdepartmentofemploymentandworkforce
• Instagram: www.instagram.com/scdewinfo
• Twitter: twitter.com/SCDEWinfo
• LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/sc-dept.-of-workforce-and-employment/